

Data Ownership

The Constream platform provides users with complete control over their data, including the ability to store it in a desired geo-location, such as in the EU, USA, or Asia. This ensures compliance with data privacy regulations and provides peace of mind to users who want to protect their sensitive information.

Central Source of Truth

The platform uses ledger-based data architecture to ensure data authenticity, decentralization, and provide a single source of truth across different stakeholders.


Different projects or teams can have their dedicated workspaces where they can collaborate, communicate, and manage tasks efficiently.

Data Exchange

The platform facilitates secure and seamless data exchange between different stakeholders in the construction process, improving communication and collaboration.


The platform supports compliance with industry standards, regulations, and local laws through its transparent and immutable data architecture.


Users can set budgets and track their financial performance in real-time, ensuring better resource allocation and management.

Audits & RegTech

The platform provides audit trails, reports, and tools to support compliance with regulations and industry standards.

Supply Chain

The platform facilitates end-to-end visibility and management of the supply chain, reducing risks and improving efficiency.


The platform generates custom reports and dashboards to help users analyze data, track progress, and make informed decisions.

Meta Data

The platform provides a detailed and structured database of project metadata, such as timelines, budgets, and progress reports.

Government Projects

The platform supports government projects and ensures transparency and accountability in public construction works.