

The main assumption of the Constream architecture is modularity.

With this approach, it is possible to add new functional blocks without affecting the already working elements of the system. Additionally, each workspace is separated at the database level to implement the idea of transparency, distributed information ownership, and truth-based connectivity between distributed teams.

To connect all these dots, we created a bus for data exchange between workspaces and a central event source - The Ledger.

We used private blockchain technology to incorporate blockchain into our platform and create shared knowledge, meaning that participants can access data on the chain and simultaneously control access to it. This makes coordinating the activities of multiple parties more feasible.

On top of it we've built a whole ecosystem...

Module Applications

Multi-TenancyData Exchange, Data Ownership, Enabled
Centralized LedgerTrust, Compliance, Audits, 2023 Q2
Geo Located Data StorageData Ownership, Government Projects, Privacy, Enabled
ProjectsData Exchange, Enabled
TasksTask Management, Data Exchange, Enabled
E-Invoices: KSeF (Poland)Accountancy, Audits, Compliance, Meta-Data, Enabled
E-Invoices: SDI (Italy)Accountancy, Audits, Compliance, Meta-Data, Enabled
Approval WorkflowsProjects, Data Exchange, Compliance, Audits, Enabled
Budget & Margin MasteryProjects, Data Exchange, Budgeting, Cashflow, 2023 Q3
RegTech ComplianceProjects, Data Exchange, Compliance, Audits, 2023 Q4
RFIProjects, Data Exchange, Budgeting, 2023 Q3
DocumentsProjects, Data Exchange, Enabled
Material ManagementProjects, Supply Chain, Budgeting, 2023 Q3