Shared Projects


Project Workspaces is one of the first modules to be used by the user starting to work with the Constream platform. It is also a foundation where the project team defines the rules of cooperation. Workspaces reflect the organizational scheme, responsibility assignments, information access levels, and authorization workflow of the project.

We treat a project as an overarching framework consisting of one aggregate Workspace or multiple combinations of specialized Workspaces. In case the user chooses to compose the project framework from various Workspaces, dividing the scope of work and responsibility among different groups of project contributors, he can use one of the breakdown keys:

  • product-oriented
  • phase-oriented
  • contracting parties oriented
  • team specialty oriented
  • localization-oriented

Regardless of the breakdown key applied every defined Workspace becomes an individual workspace, sharing project resources, but also giving the possibility to customize the:

  • scope of the Constream platform modules and functionalities access
  • scope and depth of project data sharing
  • user’s access - role-based, authentication key based
  • dashboard and home page content
  • interface look and feel