RFI Processing

RFI Processing

Request For Information (RFI) is the main communication channel used by all the parties of the built environment when the need of official expression of the project related event arises. But the process of exchanging the communicates does not move its participants towards working solutions until it is not programmed to do so.

At Constream we look at RFI process as an action hub, designed to provide perfect communication based on data at the very beginning - ending up with all the conclusions embedded and visible for every actor of the project.

We close the gap between communication and decision-making by guiding users through the initiation and consultation process giving them:

  • easy access to the relevant project data including Smart Log, Budget and Forecasting and Document Management
  • full access to the process history and visualization of the communication timeline
  • easy to use workflows based on the best practices gathered from the construction sites and design projects
  • ability to identify and track events where action has not been taken for a long time
  • decision points at the end of each stage where all involved parties are motivated to push the process towards resolution

Our platform transforms effective communication in to actions resulting from it. As every RFI can lead to various resolution scenarios we focus on gathering the data about its potential impact on projects success criteria: cost, schedule, resources and clients satisfaction level.

Having most important information at hand, user can launch the action plan straight from the RFI process level using multiple actions:

  • change request including: scope, budget and schedule
  • non-conformance processing
  • risk update process