Tasks Management

Tasks Management


Constream offers a comprehensive solution for tasks management in a multi-tenant environment. The platform enables seamless task exchange, real-time collaboration, and ensures data integrity and accuracy with the use of ledger technology.

Managing tasks in construction projects can be challenging, especially in a multi-tenant environment where different stakeholders are involved. In such cases, it's crucial to have a centralized system that allows seamless task exchange, real-time collaboration, and ensures data integrity and accuracy.

Constream is a SaaS platform that addresses these challenges and offers a multi-tenant environment with a central blockchain system that serves as a source of truth. The platform supports shared projects between tenants and enables seamless task exchange, reducing the need for manual coordination and improving overall project efficiency.

Tasks can be assigned to different stakeholders and tracked in real-time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that project timelines are met. The platform also allows for prioritization and categorization of tasks, enabling tenants to focus on critical activities and monitor progress easily.

One of the unique features of Constream is its use of ledger technology. The blockchain system serves as a central repository for all project data and transactions, ensuring that there is a single source of truth for all stakeholders. This ensures data integrity and accuracy, reducing the risk of errors or disputes arising due to discrepancies in data.

The platform also provides auditability, enabling tenants to track changes to tasks and monitor who made the changes, ensuring accountability and transparency.