
Roadmap - Looking into the future

Aligning construction projects with
technologies of tomorrow


One of Constream’s fundamental drivers is future-proofness. The platform is designed to accommodate various facets of the far-reaching technological revolution – such as Industry 4.0, VR / AR, and process automation in the area of finance and accounting.

Our goal is to make the platform as flexible as possible, meaning new features are smoothly integrated into a solid, tested, and safe foundation. Being ready and embracing change as it comes is being halfway there on the path to success.

We define this area as ‘Sci-Fi’ and it covers things like:

Industry 4.0

which primarily concerns connected on-site delivery allowing for informed decision-making using data gathered from field equipment – based on Internet of Things device management and communication principles – leading towards cost optimization that fits into the broader concepts of minimalism and ecology;


a genuinely immersive, on-site communication channel. An intuitive way for project management and on-site teams to communicate, making use of augmented reality to support communication with real-time data on construction sites or employees. Imagine walking around a construction site wearing AR-enabled smart glasses that provide basic info on your employees (full name, working hours, etc.) as well as live charts and graphs on the progress of individual construction segments per your request;

DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

streamlining payment workflows, creating transparent and secure approval workflows, building the bridge to low fee financing sources. Blockchain-based DeFi solutions will enable different billing and accounting systems integration;

Anticipation Module

an AI-based module suggesting the optimal execution for your processes.

We like to think that setting your sights on the Moon is a great goal, but you’ll need a proper space shuttle to get there. And this is what Constream is all about – a scalable, decentralized system in which all the basic elements of project, budget, and personnel management are designed to perfection, and the architecture enables new Solution Blocks to be added seamlessly, enriching the platform with new functions.